nuclear programme has provoked passions on both sides but little rational
policymaking, says François
Nicoullaud, France’s former ambassador to Tehran. He sets out a
practical approach for lowering the political temperature on both sides
President Barack Obama opens the files on Iran’s nuclear programme, he
will find negotiations have been stalled for more than three years. He may also
notice that for the past six years the voices of reason have largely been
drowned out, with passions and delusions playing a considerable role on both
sides. Countries sitting on their own nuclear arsenal seem to think they can
order Iran about; it’s a case of “do as I
say, not as I do.” Another favourite delusion in the West is to believe that Tehran will eventually surrender if
the pressure is steadily increased. Anyone familiar with Iran and its regime will know that
this is actually the best way to provoke a defiant response. The West is also
under the illusion that Iran would again be willing to
suspend uranium enrichment, even though it received nothing in return for its
previous 18-month suspension. Tehran is not in the business of
making submissive gestures for no reward.
But Iran, too, harbours its own set
of illusions. These include the notion that it can count on support from
non-Western countries, or at least from some sort of Islamic caucus. Yet at
each stage in the crisis, Iran has been let down by all or most of its
“friends” during head counts on various resolutions at the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) and the UN Security Council. Tehran has also long believed that it
would at some point be able to split France,
and perhaps Germany away from the U.S. camp – as if these two nations
would risk infuriating the Americans for the sake of an Iranian leader such as
Ahmadinejad. Above all, Iran deludes itself that it can
stand alone, against the whole world and at the same time develop an advanced
nuclear programme which would put it in the position to “play with the big
boys.” Yet by going it alone, with or without a nuclear bomb, Tehran will inevitably become
marginalised and turn itself into some kind of pariah. Put another way,
continued isolationism would force Iran to reinvent nuclear technologies
already invented by others, no doubt with poor results.
are aroused on both sides. The West feels repugnance over the moral ugliness of
the Iranian regime – its cynical transgressions of human rights and
hypocritical mixing of religion and politics. This is evident in the daily
behaviour of Western negotiators, and our public opinion abhors the constant
insults directed at Israel,
the Jews and western society in general.
is a profound conviction in the West that an Iranian regime such as this must
want nuclear weapons, and that therefore the Iranians are acting accordingly.
This mindset ignores the fact that Iran has been forecast to develop
the Bomb for the last 20 years. People remain convinced that next year, or
maybe the one after, the prediction will finally come true. Thus, insidiously,
the burden of proof is overturned. German Chancellor Angela Merkel summarised
the West’s position when she told the UN in 2007: “The world does not need to
prove to Iran that Iran is building an atomic bomb. Iran must persuade the world that it
does not want the Bomb.” This was the approach formerly used with Saddam
are running high in Iran too, which is happy to return
to its familiar role as the eternal victim in the plots of the "Great
Powers". The Iranian leadership garbs itself in the mantle of Mohammad Mossadeq, the Iranian prime minister who in 1951 defied Britain and the U.S. and seized back control of his country's oil. They dream of
standing at the forefront of a united Islamic community and at the forefront of
the vast mass of disinherited peoples around the world. Once such high
ambitions have been proclaimed, and popular ire inflamed, it is very hard for Tehran to climb down again.
In these passionate realms, reason is hard to find. From
time to time, Mohammed El Baradei, Director General of the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA), has attempted to reintroduce it and reminded everyone
that it is useless to focus on intentions, but that one must instead
concentrate on capabilities. This standpoint raises practical questions about
what Iran’s current capability to build an atomic bomb is, and
how long it would take to produce one at the current estimated rate of
progress. Would it be possible to detect in advance clandestine nuclear
activity aimed at such a goal, and if so, what would Iran have to pledge in the matter of inspections and checks, and
how might such pledges be obtained? Only after these topics have been exhausted
and proven incapable of producing satisfactory answers would it be legitimate
to use sanctions or force.
Taking these practical points further, we know Iran has made considerable progress with the centrifuge
technology essential for producing the highly enriched uranium needed for
nuclear weapons. It is likely that Iranian teams have at one time or another
been working on the mechanics of a nuclear explosive device, at least at the
blueprint stage, and the country is also openly developing a ballistic missile
programme which would bring many regional capitals within the reach of a
nuclear attack. Israeli cities are, of course, the obvious targets.
That said, Iran must still bring all of these programmes together, and that
cannot happen undetected. Iran may be capable of producing sufficient nuclear material to
make one or two bombs within the next couple of years, but such activities
would inevitably be brought into the open because Iran would have either to enrich the uranium under the eyes of
IAEA inspectors, or expel them before proceeding with the enrichment stage.
Either way it would give the game away. And at this stage it would still need
more time, at least a year and probably longer to assemble one or two crude
bombs of the type used at Hiroshima. The hardest part of all would then still lie
ahead, that is miniaturisation needed to fit a nuclear device into a missile
head. Iran's testing to see if the whole thing works would also be
easily detected, so all in all, to build a credible nuclear arsenal Iran would need around a decade and possibly longer. During all
this time, it would have set itself up as a target.
We are, thank God, still a long way from this point. Nor can
anyone say for sure that such a programme has even been formerly adopted by the
regime, although no doubt the outlines are sketched in the mind’s eye of many
of Iran’s current leaders. Other Iranian leaders are also, no
doubt, carefully weighing the political and other costs of such a venture – the
risks of preventive strikes from outside, Iran's increased isolation in its own region and a high-stakes regional
arms race.
dice have not, as yet, been cast. But our options are becoming more and more
limited, and will continue to narrow if the West maintains its present course.
It is a great pity that formal negotiations with Iran have been stalled since 2005
amid western demands that Iran suspend all of its enrichment-related
activities. Three
years have been wasted and we have seen no signs of suspension or of a
willingness to negotiate.
negotiations stand any chance with Ahmadinejad as president of Iran’s Islamic Republic? The
answer is clearly “no” if our objective remains that of forcing Iran to renounce all activity on
centrifugation. But we in the West should face the fact that this objective was
just as unattainable in the days of President Mohammad Khatami, Ahmadinejad’s
reformist predecessor. The acquisition of this technology was already being
paraded as a national cause back then. And there is no greater likelihood now
that the West will succeed in this aim even if Ahmadinejad is replaced by a
more moderate leader after the presidential elections this summer.
If we
alter course, however, then there might still be a chance of making progress.
For instance, if we were able to surround Iran’s nuclear activities with enough
voluntarily accepted checks and controls, then the West could be confident of
detecting any diversion towards military purposes in ample time. Iran could develop its programme
whilst remaining a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; the IAEA
would be able to carry out its role as watchdog, and perhaps confidence in
Iranian intentions would slowly be restored if the country developed a coherent
civil nuclear programme while respecting its international pledges.
this a realistic scenario? Perhaps not, but we won’t know unless we try. And
how realistic are the alternatives: increasing sanctions, military strikes,
perhaps war? Or will we in the West find we must surrender to the seemingly
inevitable? Neither is a reassuring option. Alas, with the rational choices
available to us such a narrow and difficult path, it looks much easier to take
the wide highway opened by our own passions and illusions. Yet only rational
behaviour by the West has any chance of eliciting a rational response from Iran.
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