It's an immense pleasure for me to be here, among such distinguished
colleagues, scholars and journalists. I am still wondering why I had the chance
to get this wonderful invitation. I guess because I have been French ambassador
in Iran from 2001 to 2005, at the outset of the nuclear crisis. Probably also
because I had spent several years in the department for non proliferation in my
ministry, working in particular with the IAEA. This gave me a precious
understanding of the technical information emerging continually from this
crisis. Finally because after leaving Iran and retiring from my ministry, I
wrote a substantial amount of articles and analyses on Iran and its nuclear
file. So this is the modest expertise that I put at the disposal of this
Of course, I speak here on a purely personal basis. And I have already
taken ample avail of this freedom to express critical views not only on Iran's
behavior, which is not too difficult, but also on the West's behavior toward
Iran. To make these introductory remarks short, I shall present in a nutshell
the conclusions that I have reached after observing this somewhat perverse and
distorted relationship during so many years.
First conclusion: it won't be a surprise for experienced historians and
analysts, but in this nuclear crisis, passions -on both sides- have played and
still play a much more important role than hard facts and cold analyses. No
side accepts the other side as it is, nor Iran, nor the West. Acceptance of
reality does not mean of course approval. We do not have to approve the Islamic
Republic's behavior in the field of human rights, or approve its uranium
enrichment program. But these are the starting points from which we have to make
things move. For historical but also cultural reasons, the present leaders of
Iran nurture a deep distrust of the West, and most leaders in the West have
developed a deep antipathy and distrust of the Islamic Republic. For years I
have heard that to start a useful negotiation, Iran should first win the West’s
trust and confidence : in particular by interrupting its enrichment activities.
Iran on the other side repeats that it will not enter into negotiation with the
United States but on an equal footing. With such prerequisites, serious
negotiation will never start. Lets us remind here that confidence builds up
from simple and clear agreements, faithfully applied. It does not have to
precede these agreements.
Second conclusion. people in the West, trying to explain the present,
and rather sorry, state of things tend to credit Iran with an especially subtle
diplomacy, and a extraordinary capacity to fool their partners or adversaries,
all of this in order to “gain time”. To gain time for what? For avoiding sanctions?
Sanctions against Iran have never been so harsh as today. For making the Bomb?
For the last twenty years analysts have prophesized that Iran would have the
bomb in the next two to five years. We are still hearing about the same lapse
of time today. Personally, I have always found Iranian diplomacy very clumsy
indeed. Incapable of presenting their nuclear program in an articulate way.
Full of delusions about its capacity to mobilize the solidarity of fellow
countries from the developing, or even the Islamic world. Incapable of seizing
opportunities because of its difficulty in building internal consensus, or when
such a consensus has finally been reached, to modify it in order to adapt to
changing circumstances.
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