Iran And The U.S.: Still Possible To Escape The Worst And Work For The Best

The United States’ withdrawal from the JCPOA could certainly be considered as an ill-advised, even absurd decision, but, like it or not, could not be labelled as running counter to international law. Let us remember the care taken by the American negotiators in Vienna to avoid giving the JCPOA any formal attributes of an international treaty -- which would have required a formal approval by the Congress --. They even took care to avoid presenting it as an “agreement” not only in its title, but even in the body of the text. The document was never signed by the parties, only adopted by a silent consensus of the seven parties following a declaration by the representative of the European Union. True, the JCPOA, soon after its adoption in Vienna, has been “endorsed” by a formal resolution of the United Nations Security Council, but again the Americans, when partaking in its drafting, took great care to deprive the formula of any binding force under the United Nations Charter.

Destroying from outside the JCPOA up to the core

What happened after the withdrawal is another matter. Washington started developing an aggressive strategy against the six remaining parties aimed at destroying the JCPOA from outside. Reintroducing sanctions could have been accepted as a logical consequence of the American withdrawal as long as it did not produce direct adverse effects on the smooth implementation of the Vienna arrangement. Unfortunately, the extra-territorial dimension of most of these sanctions created a steadily growing imbalance between the Iranian nuclear commitments and their expected benefits for Iran. Though, up to now, Donald Trump’s administration had spared the inner mechanisms of the JCPOA. By threatening to forbid Tehran to send abroad the low enriched uranium and the heavy water it may produce in excess of the limits agreed in the Vienna arrangement, Washington has gone one step further. It undermines the letter and the spirit of the very core of the JCPOA.
Furthermore, in its May 3 statement, the State Department explicitly demands Iran “to stop all proliferation-sensitive activities, including uranium enrichment”. Here we return to square one, in 2003, when John Bolton, already him, was bullying the three Europeans negotiating with Iran into gaining Tehran’s submission to the famous “zero centrifuge” formula. There was of course zero chance of success, the negotiation collapsed two years later. However, it never stopped entirely and morphed into different formats until the final and decisive push given by Barack Obama and John Kerry. This last effort led to the Vienna arrangement or JCPOA, based, precisely, on the de facto recognition, within determined limits, of the Iranian enrichment program.

The collective failure of Iran’s JCPOA partners

All of this to say that the six remaining parties to the JCPOA, and not only Iran, should have felt equally attacked by the last American move. One would have liked to hear from the Europeans the word “protest” instead of the meek “regret” and “concern”. China, embroiled in a difficult negotiation with the United States, prudently called “on all relevant parties to exercise restraint etc.”. Only Russia dared to “blame” the US and to express its “understanding” of Iran’s position. An opportunity was missed by Iran’s JCPOA partners to demonstrate through a common statement their solidarity against the squarely hostile gesture from the United States. Let us hope that the next meeting of the Joint Commission provided for by the JCPOA will offer a new chance for the parties, including Iran, to speak up in one voice.
The Europeans were braver when it came to react to the Iranian answer. Putting forward their “great concern”, they urged Iran “to refrain from any escalatory steps” and rejected “any ultimatums”. By using this last term, did they intend to target Washington as well Tehran? In reality, Tehran’s “ultimatum” to progressively step up its nuclear activities absent any progress in alleviating the American sanctions reads as one of the most carefully poised and soft-spoken ultimatums in History. It rather sounds like a call for help from President Rouhani, caught between the United States and his own radical opposition.

Primum non nocere

Where can we go from now? INSTEX, the barter mechanism intended to facilitate at least the run-of-the mill trade between Iran and the European Union is yet to take off and will need no less than a year, probably more, to operate at full capacity. China is not at the present time in a position to take a bold initiative. Russia could perhaps help Iran to sell part of its oil, but this carries serious risks. All in all, no easy solution is in the offing in the two to four-month lapse of time given by Tehran to its JCPOA partners to alleviate on a priority basis sanctions on its oil exports and its banking system.
In waiting for better opportunities, the primary requirement for Iran’s partners in the JCPOA should be to defuse all risks of further tensions between them : primum non nocere. The Europeans should therefore avoid threatening to refer Iran to the Security Council for non-compliance with its commitments. The urgency for now is to save the spirit of the JCPOA, even against its letter, as long as Iran does not give rise to a significant danger of proliferation. We are still far from this point.
Of course, Iran too has to play its part. To get around the latest American decisions in the immediate future, it can down-blend to natural level the enriched uranium produced in excess that cannot be exported anymore. It can also down-blend its heavy water in excess to common water. Regardless of the JCPOA, Iran has today no interest in accumulating at great cost and efforts, using a fully outdated model of centrifuge, big stockpiles of enriched uranium of which it has no use in the short or even medium-term. It would better prepare for the future by prioritizing, within the perfectly legal framework offered by by the JCPOA, the development of its new models of centrifuges. And instead of trying to revive the uncertain construction of the natural uranium research reactor abandoned when joining the JCPOA, it should rather press its partners to help speed up the construction of the new reactor pledged in the same JCPOA, which has been desperately dragging on. This would be a positive ultimatum!

Towards a way-out of the crisis

But all of this covers only one part of the picture. The other is in Washington, where drums of crisis and war have started beating. While displaying their solidarity with all the remaining parties to the JCPOA, the Europeans, in spite of all difficulties, still have the capacity to bend the situation into a better direction. Of course, they will not convince President Trump to return to the JCPOA, nor the Iranians to renegotiate the JCPOA with the Americans. But they could capitalize on Donald Trump’s obvious longing, as seen on multiple tweets and remarks, to produce at long last proof of his “art of the deal” by striking some kind of arrangement with Tehran. All the better if it would take place before the next Presidential election. For this, a limited agreement would suffice, if it both clearly benefits the United States and reduces the Iranian risk of proliferation. This is where the Europeans could enter the game in the role of the honest broker. The first prerequisite would be to take into account the mutual distrust of the two parties. They should therefore be able to put forward equally balanced, fully voluntary and reversible gestures. The task is difficult, but not impossible

What the Americans can give

To start with the American side, a first possible gesture could be to reinstate the waivers allowing the sale to Iran of commercial passenger aircraft, as provided for by article 22 of the JCPOA. Negotiations between Iranian companies and Boeing as well as Airbus did start upon the conclusion of the Vienna arrangement. They were interrupted by the American withdrawal. All in all, they addressed the acquisition of more than two hundred planes equally spread between Boeing and Airbus. The completion of this negotiation would be, of course, highly beneficial to Iran, due to the sore state of its fleet, but also to Boeing, going through a difficult pass, and to the American economy at large. The perspective of creating thousands of jobs in the American aircraft industry would be a positive signal in an election year. Last but not least, it would also benefit the European economy.
Another possible American gesture would be to reintroduce some waivers for Iranian oil’s main clients. This would reduce tensions on the oil international market and facilitate America’s relations with its traditional friends : Japan, South Korea, Taiwan among others, without forgetting Europe. And again, reasonable gasoline prices at American pumps in an election year would be a welcome feature. A third possible gesture would be to ease the restrictions imposed on the Iranian banking sector, provided, of course, that Iran finally brings its legislation into conformity with international norms against the financing of terrorism.

What the Iranians can give

How could Iran come at par with such a bounty of gestures? Starting with the third and last point, we know that the adoption of anti-terrorism international norms currently feeds a bitter internal debate in Iran. But precisely, the perspective of an attractive package could lead to a favourable arbitration by the Supreme leader and thus settle the matter. However, this would not be enough by far, to satisfy the American side. At least another important Iranian gesture would be needed to tip the scales.
Like Edgar Poe’s letter, it is right before our eyes. As long as Iran is committed by the JCPOA provisions not to exceed a stockpile of 300 kilograms of low-enriched uranium (LEU), it has absolutely no interest in spinning the 5,000 or so centrifuges authorized by the same JCPOA. Their potential output goes far beyond this limit. 1,500 centrifuges would amply suffice to produce a couple of hundred kilograms of LEU per year. And again, the real challenge for Iran is not to run a big bunch of outdated centrifuges (the present IR1 model dates back from the early Seventies) but to be able to produce and operate efficient, up-to-date, centrifuges when the JCPOA comes to its end. There would be therefore no drawback for Iran in announcing a voluntary switch-off of about two thirds of its presently active centrifuges. All of this under the supervision of the International Agency for Atomic Energy, in return for the United States’ own commitments – and just how long as it keeps its commitments.
With perhaps on top of such reciprocal gestures a common understanding to envisage the reopening of a collective negotiation when the JCPOA arrives to its end, we have at hand the main elements of a fair deal both parties could be proud of : Donald Trump for having obtained much more than Barack Obama in curbing Iran’s nuclear activities without giving more than what was already contained in the JCPOA ; Rouhani for having alleviated a part of the most disruptive American sanctions while preserving the legitimacy and the future development of the Iranian nuclear program. Now, the combination of all these elements into a successful venture is the job of the diplomats. And to continue with pride, the Europeans, as we know, are rightly proud of their long diplomatic tradition. With some luck and hard work, they could be proud tomorrow for having helped defuse a serious crisis in our time.

(published on May 14, 2019, by LobeLog)

The Ups and Downs of the French-Iranian Relationship

In this edition of The Interview, Fair Observer talks to François Nicoullaud, the former French ambassador to Iran, about the ups and downs of Iran-France relations and the new US sanctions.
Kourosh Ziabari: You were the ambassador of France in Tehran for four years. How does France see its relationship with Iran? Is Iran a partner for France in the fight against terrorism, an ally, a potential threat as the Trump administration and Arab nations say, or a country with which France maintains normal diplomatic relations?
François Nicoullaud: Relations between France and the Islamic Republic have seldom been “normal.” From the zenith of the return of Khomeini to the nadir of French support for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War and its consequences in terms of bomb attacks and hostage situations, they have gone through a kind of seesaw movement that is still ongoing. Today, President Macron is trying hard to keep the balance equal between Iran on one side and the United States and Saudi Arabia on the other side, but this looks like an almost impossible task, with the very real risk of displeasing everyone.
Ziabari: How do you evaluate your tenure as the French ambassador to Iran? How have bilateral relations developed?  
Nicoullaud: I had the luck to be posted in Iran between 2001 and 2005, exactly during the second mandate of President Khatami. This was a time of internal political opening, even if the situation was far from perfect, and also a time of mutual engagement between Iran and Europe, in which France played a crucial role. It was the French foreign minister, Dominique de Villepin, who convinced his English and German partners to go together to Tehran in order to open negotiations on the looming nuclear crisis. This common visit of three major European ministers, which took place in October 2003, was a unique event in the long history of Iran.
This first endeavor failed for several reasons after two years of efforts, but the dialogue that was then established never fully stopped. It morphed into different formats and finally led to the conclusion in 2015 of the Vienna nuclear agreement, also known as the JCPOA.
Ziabari: Why did US President Donald Trump withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, which was the outcome of months of intense negotiations and committed diplomacy on all sides? How will Trump’s decision to pull out of the JCPOA affect US relations with Europe?
Nicoullaud: Personally, I see no rationality behind such a decision. I believe the first motive of President Trump was to destroy President Obama’s most emblematic achievement in the international field. In doing so, he has, among other consequences, offered to the Iranians a gift that they had been dreaming of for a long time without ever coming close to it: a rift between Europe and the United States on a major political issue.
Ziabari: How do the new US sanctions against the Iranians affect Iran-France trade? Since the sanctions don’t have the backing of the UN Security Council, should France feel obliged to follow them and cap its business deals with Iran?
Nicoullaud: Without any doubt, the new American sanctions seriously affect French and European trade, which had started booming right after the beginning of implementation of the nuclear agreement in January 2016. See the withdrawal of Total, Airbus, Siemens, Peugeot and Renault.
European governments and the European Union do not feel bound by such unilateral American decisions, but this is of little avail. All significant European companies have, one way or another, business interests in the US economy. The American market is obviously more attractive to them than the Iranian market. Therefore, they can be easily convinced by the US administration to abide by American laws, and eventually punished if they do not comply. And European governments, being immersed in a free-market economy, have no way to dictate their behavior to major European companies.
Ziabari: Do you think Europe is determined to preserve the JCPOA and convince Iran to remain in the deal? Or is pressure from the United States so unbearable that the JCPOA will eventually fail?
Nicoullaud: I do not question the determination of Europe to preserve the JCPOA, but the necessary tools have still to be built and put to use. No magic solution will bring back Total or Siemens to Iran. However, it should be possible to protect at least a steady flow of current trade between Europe and Iran. There are some people working hard on such a mechanism. All of this addresses complex, sensitive issues, and time is needed to produce results. In between, of course, sanctions are producing their effects, so we see a kind of race against time to establish this mechanism.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that the Iranians have no interest whatsoever in leaving the JCPOA. What would they gain by restarting producing stockpiles of enriched uranium for which they have no immediate need? By remaining faithful to their commitments, they keep the high moral ground in this quarrel, and this will present visible benefits in the long run. My guess is that most Iranians in charge are quite conscious of this point.
Ziabari: Iran’s nuclear program was just one of several sticking points between Tehran and the West, and the JCPOA was apparently the best solution. Do you think the other differences over which Iran and the international community continue to spar — including Iran’s support for militant groups in Lebanon and Palestine or its role in Syria and Yemen — can be similarly settled through diplomatic engagement?
Nicoullaud: They could eventually, but certainly not through a bilateral negotiation between Iran on one side and Western countries on the other. Such complex, multifaceted issues can only be solved through a collective engagement involving the other major regional actors. Do you remember the Madrid Conference in 1991, following the Gulf War? It failed miserably because — among other reasons — Iran was not invited, but this is the kind of format one should be thinking of at the end of the ongoing Syrian and Yemeni civil wars. The idea has already been floated for several years, but apparently the time is not ripe.
Ziabari: An issue on which Iran faces pressure is its ballistic missiles program. Shouldn’t Iran be able to develop and advance its own means of defense in the presence of several adversaries who have different visions for the future of the country, including regime change?
Nicoullaud: The JCPOA negotiators have been criticized for not having included at least the Iranian ballistic issue in their agreement. But one has to understand that such an issue could not be part of the negotiating mandate of the Iranian diplomats. The nuclear issue is a civilian matter. The challenge was to find strong enough limitations to an existing civilian program in order to stop any kind of diversion to military goals. It was therefore normal to have professional diplomats in charge of the negotiation.
But the ballistic program is a matter of defense, in the hands of the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps]. There could be no question of letting civilian diplomats meddle with it. To address the issue, it would have been necessary to modify in-depth the format of the negotiation. So, all in all, it was a wise decision from Iran’s partners to agree to limit the deal to the nuclear issue.
Aside from this somewhat technical point, one has to understand that a sovereign state cannot accept unilateral limitations to its defense capacity without undermining the very core of its sovereignty. This kind of surrender happens only under duress, usually after being defeated in war. Voluntary restrictions of defense capacities can only take place on a reciprocal basis — be it bilateral or, even better, multilateral. Iran is not the only country to possess ballistic missiles in the region. Any solution to the alleged threat of the Iranian missile program can only be sought at regional level in a framework of mutual concessions. It could start, for example, by a simultaneous accession of Iran and its main neighbors to The Hague Code of Conduct, which provides for a mutual effort of transparency on ballistic arsenals.
Ziabari: In 2018, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo published a set of demands that Iran should grant in order for future negotiations between Tehran and Washington to take place. He said Iran should act as a normal country to be accepted in the international community. Do you think Iran’s policies and actions are not representative of a normal country?
Nicoullaud: Iran, especially since the foundation of the Islamic Republic, is clearly not a “normal” country. But, after all, is the United States a “normal” country? Is France? Is Saudi Arabia? Is Russia? Is China? It would be interesting to hear from Mr. Pompeo his definition of a “normal country” and see what remains on the map.
Ziabari: President Trump has been heavily criticized at home and abroad for eulogizing US adversaries and alienating US allies, which is said to be the outcome of his political inexperience. How do US-France relations look like today?
Nicoullaud: The French-US relationship is going through a rather rocky path. In spite of the efforts made by President Trump and President Macron to develop strong personal relations, in spite of their reciprocal visits to Paris and to Washington, the positions of the two countries have proven to be too far apart on too many important subjects: climate, international trade, European defense and, last but not least, Iran.
(published on February 5, 2019, by the Fair Observer)